Welcome to the Quantum Sensing Lab
Our laboratory is located in the Department of Physics of the University of Basel in Switzerland. Our research is centered around the emerging field of "Quantum sensing", where the use of individual, well-controlled quantum systems as high-performance sensing devices is being explored. We concentrate on implementing various types of such sensors and on applying them to outstanding scientific tasks in mesoscopic physics, nano-science and technology. At the moment, our quantum system of choice for these purposes is the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, whose exceptional quantum-coherent properties allow for high-performance sensing applications (such as single-electron spin detection) even at room temperature.

News from the Lab

Daniel's paper published in Phys. Rev. Applied
We present high-resolution optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) spectroscopy on single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spins in diamond at and around zero magnetic field. The experimentally observed transitions depend sensitively on…
Welcome to our new PostDoc David Broadway
We welcome our new PostDoc David Broadway, who will join the 4K magnetometry setup.
Mara's paper published in Opt. Mater. Express
In our work we present a new approach combining top-down fabrication with bottom-up overgrowth to create diamond diamond nanopyramids, which form a very promising system for applications in nanoscale quantum sensing, with tip radii on the…
Congratulations to Dr. Mara Batzer
Mara Batzer successfully defended her PhD thesis. Well done!!!
Johannes' paper published in New Journal of Physics
The NV center in diamond offers a powerful platform for quantum information science and quantum metrology. But parasitic local intrinsic fields limit the effectiveness of sensing techniques operating at low external fields. Based on a…
Dominik's paper published in APL
Out-of-plane-oriented NV centers in (111) diamond scanning probes bring significant benefits to magnetometry, ranging from improved magnetic field reconstruction capabilities to higher sensitivities. We fabricate and characterize (111)…
Congratulations to Dr. Lucas Thiel
Lucas Thiel successfully defended his PhD thesis and has won the Swiss Nanotechnology Award 2019 sponsored by Bühler for his outstanding publication "Probing magnetism in 2D materials at the nanoscale with single spin microscopy".
Lucas' paper published in Science
Lucas' paper entitled "Probing magnetism in 2D materials at the nanoscale with single spin microscopy" was published in Science. We demonstrate quantitative, nanoscale imaging of magnetisation, localised defects and magnetic domains in…
Congratulations to Märta Tschudin
We are delighted to announce that Märta Tschudin was awarded an QCQT Excellence Fellowship. The fellowship is aimed at outstanding PhD students from in- and outside Switzerland within the research area of quantum computing, quantum…