Welcome to the Quantum Sensing Lab
Our laboratory is located in the Department of Physics of the University of Basel in Switzerland. Our research is centered around the emerging field of "Quantum sensing", where the use of individual, well-controlled quantum systems as high-performance sensing devices is being explored. We concentrate on implementing various types of such sensors and on applying them to outstanding scientific tasks in mesoscopic physics, nano-science and technology. At the moment, our quantum system of choice for these purposes is the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, whose exceptional quantum-coherent properties allow for high-performance sensing applications (such as single-electron spin detection) even at room temperature.

News from the Lab

Patrick Appel's paper published in Nano Letters!
Magnetoelectric antiferromagnets play an important role as a platform for spintronic applications including all electrical reading and writing of magnetic memories. In this paper we investigate the formation of domains in thin-film Cr2O3…
Welcome and Good Bye!
We welcome our new PhD Student Patrick Reiser, who will join the 4K magnetometry setup and say good bye to James Wood. We wish you all the best and good success for the future!
Review on NVs as probe of superconductivity published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Magnetic imaging using color centers in diamond through both scanning and wide-field methods offers a combination of unique capabilities for studying superconductivity, for example, enabling accurate vector magnetometry at high temperature…
Goodbye Dr. Arne Barfuss and Dr. Daniel Riedel!
We say goodbye to our valued colleagues Arne Barfuss and Daniel Riedel after their successful time here in our group as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.
Dominik's and Lucas' paper published in Sensors
Dominik's and Lucas' paper entitled "Real-space probing of the local magnetic response of thin-film superconductors using single spin magnetometry" reports on direct, real-space imaging of the stray magnetic field above a micro-scale disc…
Arne made the cover!
Congratulations! Our closed-contour spin driving experiments made it to the cover of Nature Physic's November edition. The image shows quantum beats of a NV center due to quantum interference effects under closed-contour driving.
Arne's paper published in Nature Physics
For the first time, we were able to study quantum interference in a three-level quantum system and thereby control the behavior of individual electron spins. To this end, we used a novel nanostructure, in which a quantum system is…
Patrick's and Brendan's paper on antiferromagnets posted on ArXiv
Patrick's and Brendan's paper entitled "Nanomagnetism of magnetoelectric granular thin-film antiferromagnets" was posted on ArXiv. Since experimental tools to explore antiferromagnetic films on the nanoscale are still sparse, we offer a…
Daniel wins the Swiss Nanotechology PhD Prize!
Dr. Daniel Riedel, joint Postdoc in the teams of Richard Warburton and Patrick Maletinsky and PhD student in the SNI’s PhD School until December 2017, received the Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Prize 2018 sponsored by the Hightech Zentrum…