Welcome to the Quantum Sensing Lab
Our laboratory is located in the Department of Physics of the University of Basel in Switzerland. Our research is centered around the emerging field of "Quantum sensing", where the use of individual, well-controlled quantum systems as high-performance sensing devices is being explored. We concentrate on implementing various types of such sensors and on applying them to outstanding scientific tasks in mesoscopic physics, nano-science and technology. At the moment, our quantum system of choice for these purposes is the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, whose exceptional quantum-coherent properties allow for high-performance sensing applications (such as single-electron spin detection) even at room temperature.

News from the Lab

Welcome Silvia!
We welcome our newest PostDoc, Dr. Silvia Ruffieux, in our ranks. She will focus on Diamond Nano-Fabrication for our Quantum Sensing Technology projects.
Goodbye Brendan!
We say goodbye to our longest-standing PostDoc, Dr. Brendan Shields! You have shaped the Quantum Sensing Group enormously, and we'll not forget it! Thank you for everything and all the best in Boston!
Sigurd's diamond microcavity paper published in the Journal of Applied Physics
With a highly coherent, optically addressable electron spin, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a promising candidate for a node in a quantum network. A resonant microcavity can boost the flux of coherent photons emerging from…
Jodok's NV photophysics paper published in PRL
We investigate the magnetic field dependent photophysics of individual nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond under cryogenic conditions. At distinct magnetic fields, we observe significant reductions in the NV photoluminescence…
Goodbye Sigurd!
We say goodbye to Dr. Sigurd Flågan after an exciting PhD and a short PostDoc together with the Warburton Group here in Basel. We wish you all the best for your next steps in Canada!
Goodbye Natascha!
We say goodbye to Dr. Natascha Hedrich after an excellent PhD and PostDoc! Thanks for everything and all the best at ETH Zürich and the Technorama!
Welcome Minghao!
We extend a warm welcome to our new PostDoc, Minghao Li! Minghao will reinforce the Sensing Technology Team in the SiV magnetometry project. Great to have you, and to successful experiments!
Welcome Tobias!
We welcome Dr. Tobias Sjölander to the group, good to have you! To successful experiments!
Congratulations Dr. Sigurd Flågan!
Sigurd successfully defended his thesis!