Welcome to the Quantum Sensing Lab
Our laboratory is located in the Department of Physics of the University of Basel in Switzerland. Our research is centered around the emerging field of "Quantum sensing", where the use of individual, well-controlled quantum systems as high-performance sensing devices is being explored. We concentrate on implementing various types of such sensors and on applying them to outstanding scientific tasks in mesoscopic physics, nano-science and technology. At the moment, our quantum system of choice for these purposes is the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, whose exceptional quantum-coherent properties allow for high-performance sensing applications (such as single-electron spin detection) even at room temperature.

News from the Lab

Goodbye Viktoria!
We say goodbye to Dr. Viktoria Yurgens! Thanks for an amazing PhD, fruitful collaborations across the group and countless hours spent servicing the pesky ICP-RIE! You will be missed, all the best in Zurich!
Beat's & Tobias' N15 Nuclear Sensing Paper published in NPJ Quantum Information
Solid state spins have demonstrated significant potential in quantum sensing with applications including fundamental science, medical diagnostics and navigation. The quantum sensing schemes showing best performance under ambient conditions…
Congratulations Dr. Viktoria Yurgens!
Viktoria successfully defended her thesis, achieving the coveted Summa Cum Laude!
Goodbye David!
We say goodbye to our beloved PostDoc, Dr. David Broadway! Thanks for your positive attitude and immense scientific skill that you permeated and multiplied through the whole group! All the best back in Melbourne, see you soon!
Princeton Collab Neutral Silicon Vacancy Center Stabilization Paper published in PRL!
Neutral silicon vacancy centers (SiV0) in diamond are promising candidates for quantum applications; however, stabilizing SiV0 requires high-purity, boron-doped diamond, which is not a readily available material. Here, we demonstrate an…
Welcome Clément!
We welcome our newest PostDoc, Dr. Clément Pellet-Mary, in our group. He will be working on low temperature scanning NV magnetometry.
Adrien's Neural Network Paper published in Phys. Rev. Applied!
The prediction of measurement outcomes from an underlying structure often follows directly from fundamental physical principles. However, a fundamental challenge is posed when trying to solve the inverse problem of inferring the underlying…
Viktoria's Optically Coherent NVs in Thin Microstructures Paper published in APL!
The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV) in diamond, with its exceptional spin coherence and convenience in optical spin initialization and readout, is increasingly used both as a quantum sensor and as a building block for quantum networks.…
Sigurd's Raman paper published in Optica!
Tunable open-access Fabry–Perot microcavities are versatile and widely applied in different areas of photonics research. The open geometry of such cavities enables the flexible integration of thin dielectric membranes. Efficient coupling of…