Dr. Johannes Kölbl
Office | 3.14 |
Phone | 061 207 37 60 |
johannes.koelbl[at]unibas.ch | |
Address | Department of Physics |

since 2020 | PostDoc in the Quantum Sensing Group of Prof. P. Maletinsky, University of Basel (Switzerland) Research topic: Spin-optomechanics |
2016-2020: | PhD in Experimental Physics, University of Basel (Switzerland) PhD thesis in the Quantum Sensing Group of Prof. P. Maletinsky: Dressed states of a strain-driven spin in diamond |
2015: | Research assistant in the Nanomechanics Group of Prof. E. M. Weig, University of Konstanz (Germany) |
2013-2015: | Master of Science in Physics, University of Konstanz (Germany) Masterthesis in the Nanomechanics Group of Prof. E. M. Weig: Kohaerente Dynamik von gekoppelten nanomechanischen Resonatormoden |
2010-2013: | Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Konstanz (Germany) Bachelorthesis in the Condensed Matter Theory Group of Prof. G. Burkard: Kopplung von Spin- und Valleyfreiheitsgraden an einen nanomechanischen Resonator |
Statistically Modeling Optical Linewidths of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Post-Implanted Nanostructures
M. Kasperczyk, J.A. Zuber, A. Barfuss, J. Kölbl, V. Yurgens, S. Flågan, T. Jakubczyk, B. Shields, R. J. Warburton, P. Maletinsky
Phys. Rev. B 102, 075312 (2020)
Spectral Evidence of Squeezing of a Weakly Damped Driven Nanomechanical Mode
J.S. Huber, G. Rastelli, M.J. Seitner, J. Kölbl, W. Belzig, M.I. Dykman, E.M. Weig
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021066 (2020)
Determination of Intrinsic Effective Fields and Microwave Polarizations by High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Single NV Center Spins
J. Kölbl, M. Kasperczyk, B. Bürgler, A. Barfuss, P. Maletinsky
New Journal of Physics 21, 113039 (2019)
Initialization of Single Spin Dressed States using Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
J. Kölbl, A. Barfuss, M. Kasperczyk, L. Thiel, A. Clerk, H. Ribeiro, P. Maletinsky
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 090502 (2019)
Spin-stress and spin-strain coupling in diamond-based hybrid spin oscillator systems
A. Barfuss, M. Kasperczyk, J. Kölbl, P. Maletinsky
Phys. Rev. B 99, 174102 (2019)
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Advanced Fabrication of Single-crystal Diamond Membranes for Quantum Technologies
M. Challier, S. Sonusen, A. Barfuss, D. Rohner, D. Riedel, J. Koelbl, M. Ganzhorn, P. Appel, P. Maletinsky, E. Neu
Micromachines 9(4), 148 (2018)
Phase-controlled coherent dynamics of a single spin under closed-contour interaction
A. Barfuss, J. Kölbl, L. Thiel, J. Teissier, M. Kasperczyk, P. Maletinsky
Nature Physics 14, 1087-1091 (2018)
Finite time Stückelberg interferometry with nanomechanical modes
M.J. Seitner, H. Ribeiro, J. Kölbl, T. Faust, E.M. Weig
New J. Phys. 19, 033011 (2017)
Classical Stueckelberg interferometry of a nanomechanical two-mode system at room temperature
M.J. Seitner, H. Ribeiro, J. Kölbl, T. Faust, J.P. Kotthaus, E.M. Weig
Phys. Rev. B 94, 245406 (2016)